F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Aug. 3, 2024


Sat., Aug. 3, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / AI Root Middle School



Calisthenic pickleball! We only played one round of this before we just played regular. @Focker did not wish to be responsible for ruining pickleball for people.Pickleball Beetdown Rules:
balked serve on the first attempt: 3 burpees for serving team
balked serve after first: 1 burpee for serving team
team A earns a point: they complete 1 merkin
team B loses a point to team A: the complete 2 merkins
It works the same for stopping the teams serve. Team A stops B they complete 1 merkin and B completes 2 merkins.
Winning team: 10 merkins at the end of the match
Losing team: 10 burpees
If you hit it over the cage, you and your teammate have to run a lap around the entirety of the tennis/pickleball courts on the outside.


We did three rounds of 20 reps each for a circle of pain with six dudes. 380 total reps/counts for core. My abs were burning.