F3 Copley
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Tue., Apr. 23, 2024
Bell-y Stuff
Tue., Apr. 23, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
Active warm up included the following moves
- Jefferson Curls 10 reps
- Thorasic Squat Rotations 10 reps each side
- Plank Toe Touches 10 reps
- Kb Halo – 10 reps each direction
- Alternate at the top single arm KB swings 20 reps
Each move 1 minute/side first round, Each move 45 secs. second round
- 2 swings -> rack position -> 2 thrusters
- Power Cleans
- Plank Drag Under
- Shoulder Press
It was great to hear praises around the circle. Please pray for the seniors as they are preparing to graduate and move on to their next phase of life. Pray for a shield of protection around them. Pray for our continued health and praises to God for giving us another chance to express His love to others.