F3 Medina


Wed., Nov. 10, 2021

OH, those Bunnies are so cute…NOT!!!

Wed., Nov. 10, 2021 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Dynamics followed by focus of warming up upper body for the challenge.


Starting at Goaline and working our way to other Goaline
Repeat of a 25 yd Murder Bunnie (25,50, opposing25)
At Each 25 yd mark we progress through the following:
Going upfield: 25 yd -15 Bent Rows
50 yd – 15 Curls
Opposite 25 yd – 15 Tricep Extension
Opposite Goaline – 5 Manmakers
Coming Back: 25 yd : 15 Block Merkins
50 yd: Coupon Shoulder Press
Opposite 25 yd- Decline Merkin
Goaline – 5 Manmakers


Slow Fast Freddy Mecury, Heels to Heaven, Big Boys, Plank sequence