F3 Copley

The Beastmother

Thu., Mar. 16, 2023


Thu., Mar. 16, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School

Comeback Kid



  • 20 coupon squats at sideline – lunge walk to middle of field – sprint to opposite sideline – 1 big boy-mosey back.
  • 19 coupon squats at sideline – lunge walk to middle of field – sprint to opposite sideline – 2big boys-mosey back.
  • 18 coupon squats at sideline – lunge walk to middle of field – sprint to opposite sideline –3 big boys- mosey back.
  • Continued this pattern.

About midway I audibled to scratch the lunges and sprint across the field for the first crossing. Kudos to @Garcia for continuing with the lunges – it almost makes up for the 43 consecutive beatdowns he’s been tardy for this year.


I didn’t have any exceedingly wise words today to share but I will say that I am impressed with the dedication of this group of guys. You all get after it every day whether it’s on the field, running the roads, with your families or at your jobs. As we were walking off the field, I commented to @JonBoy and @Warm-water that I kind of live in a bubble where most everyone around me gets up early, takes care of their bodies, works hard etc…Let’s not forget to share this group with those men that are in our lives that don’t come or aren’t aware of it.