F3 Brunswick

Basin Beatdown

Tue., Jan. 23, 2024


Tue., Jan. 23, 2024 / 05:45 am - 06:30 am / Lake Brunswick

Scratch n Sniff


stretched necks and bodies


Everyone performed the same exercise until 1 person reached a rep count of 100 reps, then that exercise was complete and all stopped. We kept this up for over 30 minutes.


Exercises ranged from merkins, SSHs, dipping birds, dips, squats, curls, calf raises, LBCs, OH press, and more.


I’ve challenged myself as a Christian to read every book in the Bible this year.

Speaking of the Bible, my graduation speaker shared the following passage, which we’d all do well to remember whether we’re Christian or not. These 3 things are good advice for any human on the planet.

Micah 6:8
What does the Lord require of you but to act justly, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.