F3 Copley

Running with Kettle Bells

Wed., Jul. 5, 2023

23 Glorious minutes

Wed., Jul. 5, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



23 glorious minutes of kettlebell running.  Each starts with the kettlebell in the right hand and runs until it has to be switched to the left hand.  Running continues until exhaustion and kettlebell is placed on the field.  Each does 10 reps of chosen exercise, runs to farthest goal line and returns back to the kettlebell to reset and repeat.

@Hardware and @Comeback Kid did there own thing by the visitor bleachers


various stretches


Thought of the day comes from spending the day with my best friends family doing our normal 4th of July tradition (the 1st since he passed away).  No one is guaranteed another month, week, day or hour.  We need to prioritize our friendship and fellowship with one another. My challenge to all of us is to reach out to a friend or F3 brother that you haven’t seen or talked to in awhile.  Grab coffee, a meal, or a few beverages with them – catch up and see how they are doing.