F3 Copley

The Beastmother

Thu., Jun. 8, 2023

Beach Body by Garcia

Thu., Jun. 8, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Over head Claps, Michael Phelps, Tappy Taps, Abe Vigodas, SSH


Mosey to the hill for some partner work:

Pax 1 runs up the hill while Pax 2 holds a plank every other round you run the hill backwards

Round 1

-Merkins X20
-Coupon Press X20
-Big Boys X20
-Coupon Curls X20
-Dips on Coupon X20
-Coupon Squats X20
-Mosey to goal line and back to the 50 yard line

Round 2
-Decline Merkins X20
-Alpos X20
-Heal Touches 4 count X20
-Coupon Curls X20
-Dips on Coupon X20
-Coupon Lunges X20
-Mosey to goal line and back to the 50 yard line

Round 3
-Incline Merkins X20
-Single Arm Rows each arm X20
-Heals to heaven X20
-Coupon Curls X20
-Dips on Coupon X20
-Bonnie Blair’s (Jumping Lunges) 4 count X20
-Mosey to goal line and back to the 50 yard line



Big Boys, Coupon side crunch, Pass the butter, Weighted wipers


Appreciate every day you have and keep on working so that you can enjoy as many of them as possible. Stay healthy, have fun, and keep the ones you love close.