F3 Stow
The Motivator
Tue., Sep. 10, 2024
Beat Down by Alfredo
Tue., Sep. 10, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School
A few stupid PAX slowly conquered IronPax Week 0 while smart PAX performed 1st and 10 Bronze Bulldogs
100 side saddle hops
10 yard bear crawl.
20 merkins, 20 air squats, 20ish core exercise (big boys, etc) to the 50.
Finished Bear Crawl to end zone.50 yard bear crawl.
Finished with 2 Merkin Waves and a Leg Lift Wave.
I just read this in a book I’m reading (Soul Care by Rob Reimer) and almost fell off my chair because I was having lunch with a gentleman on Tuesday and hec said a similar thing about being a ‘grown-up’.”A person doesn’t get to be a grown-up when they are 16 and can drive a car, or 18 and can go off to war or 21 and they can drink legally, or 25 and get married, or 30 and have their first child. A person gets to be a grown-up when they take responsibility for their life.”
God is definitely teaching something me this week, maybe that it’s time for me to take full responsibility and become a grown-up.