Farmer Only

Thu., Nov. 11, 2021 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am


Some active warmups to raise the heart rate.


The Thang:
  • 800 meter run, increasing pace every 200.
  • Farmers Only: alternating 50 and 100 yard single arm farmers carry broken up by Bonnie Blair, Hand-release merkins, Coupon swings, curl-ups.


  • 210 to Yuma w/ 3 burpees between each round. (175 to Yuma… we didn’t make it)


As men and as leaders we are wired to grind, achieve, work hard, strive, etc. That’s good, but not when we allow it to define our worth/value. It’ll lead us to think too highly… or too lowly of ourselves. My encouragement is to be intentional about times of silence/solitude even if it’s just for 2 minutes. Set the timer and make it a practice.
Exodus 14:14 “the Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.
Prayer for @Warm Water 18 nephew trying to find his way, @Dr. Claw wife during a rough pregnancy, and our brother @Squealer who’s always welcome at F3 Copley.