F3 Copley
Running with Kettle Bells
Wed., Mar. 20, 2024
Wed., Mar. 20, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
Dora – pax paired up and share the reps with a partner – the other partner ran to the far side of the parking lot and did two burpees and then ran back. Exercises were completed with coupons and up to two rounds completed. 200 reps for round 1 and 100 reps for round 2.
200 merkins
200 OH press
200 curls
200 squats
200 big boys
Continued message from my previous posts. Focus on spreading positivity. If you have not read “How Full Is Your Bucket”, I highly recommend. By performing good deeds for others your fill their bucket and yours. By doing negative things you take from theirs and yours. By doing positive things for yourself, then you are just filling your bucket. If we focus on doing positive things for others, we will exponentially increase the positivity in our community.