F3 Brunswick

Basin Beatdown

Tue., Jan. 30, 2024

The QuadFather

Tue., Jan. 30, 2024 / 05:45 am - 06:30 am / Lake Brunswick

Mr. Pibb


2 Pax @Squid @Mr. Pibb (Q) made it out for the Quad-Father.
20 line jumps
20 SSH’s
10 Merkins
10 Deadlifts with coupon
10 Overhead press with coupon
20 Squats with/or without your coupon
20 Calf raises with/or without your coupon

Once the exercises were complete PAX then farmer carried their coupon to the Island and back. We repeated this for 35 minutes.


Pax took turns naming exercises-
Including- Leg throws using coupon as a counter balance, LBC’s, LBC’s with a 6 second hold at the top, High plank with your toes on your coupon.


In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths- Proverbs 3:6

Spiritual surrender keeps me in the flow of life.
Resisting the events of my life is like swimming against a strong current. No matter how much I try, I cannot overtake the force of water. But when I swim with the current, I am borne effortlessly upon it.
Spiritual surrender works much the same way. When I resist the circumstances of my life, when I fight against what is happening. I am swimming upstream. But when I accept what is happening, I am surrendering to the flow of life. I may still work towards changing undesirable situations, but I do so from a place of acceptance, not resistance.

No longer fighting, I give myself over to the power of God. I need not rely solely on my power, will, and effort. I surrender to God within me and ride life’s current with ease.