F3 Brunswick
Basin Beatdown
Tue., Oct. 18, 2022
Tue., Oct. 18, 2022 / 05:45 am - 06:30 am / Lake Brunswick
The following exercises were performed for 3 rounds of 30 seconds of work followed by 60 seconds of rest. Each exercise was followed by a sprint around the parking lot:
-Single arm coupon ground to overhead
-Double coupon and bar Deadlifts
-Double coupon and bar Curls
-Coupon Swings
-Baby’s revenge (While standing upright hold a coupon with one hand and squat and grab another coupon and stand up. Set coupon down and switch arms. I came up with this one after have my baby repeatedly throw things on the ground while traveling over the past week.)
-Double coupon and bar Rows
100 imperial walkers
I have been in funk for the past several weeks with sick kids/sleepless nights and my wife and I trying to navigate parenting. For me, food is my cooping mechanism and I have found myself creeping back into old habits. I mentioned my need to be more intentional on my choices. @Ringworm shared his success with trying to do the same in regards his temper.