F3 Brunswick

Basin Beatdown

Tue., Nov. 19, 2024

Prison Workout

Tue., Nov. 19, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Lake Brunswick

Scratch n Sniff


4 prison get ups
10 pushups
4 prison get ups
9 pushups
4 prison get ups
8 pushups
4 prison get ups
7 pushups
4 prison get ups
6 pushups
4 prison get ups
5 pushups
4 prison get ups
4 pushups
4 prison get ups
3 pushups
4 prison get ups
2 pushups
4 prison get ups
1 pushups
4 prison get ups
(Then counting back up the ladder subbing get ups for weighted squats and pushups for inverted playground bench press)After the above was completed, we carried our 26lbs ‘ball and chain’ around the streets to make our 1 mile escape.


While taking over this Q for Squid and not changing his original theme, this memory came back to me:Over 15 years ago, my dad (Flaccid) was sitting in church one day when he felt a nudge on his heart. He felt urged to get Bibles into prisoners’ hands.Running a label-printing company, he had stickers specially made with a message to adhere to the interior cover. The label had our church’s phone the inmates could call for support, and a location they could worship at upon their release.For many years, my dad would include my brother, sister, and I, as we drove around dropping cases of labeled Bibles off at local correctional facilities. Then, when I was in college, I’d do the same thing, but on my own to the local jail. The Bibles’ covers read ‘Free On The Inside’ and had a depiction of broken shackles.  I don’t know how many cases of 30 Bibles were delivered over the decade or so this took place, but the church would sometimes share a special letter or two they received from the people locked up and reading those Bibles.So the moral of this long story is: regardless of where you’re physically or mentally at in life, God is ALWAYS with you.