F3 Brunswick

Watershed Wallop

Thu., Jan. 11, 2024


Thu., Jan. 11, 2024 / 05:45 am - 06:30 am / Neura Park



Repeated the same format as Medina’s Monday beatdown with some new, leg-focused exercises.

Face cards = exercises
Pair of number cards per face cards = reps

We alternated each draw with the reps equaling the sum and the product (which sucked royally for some of the pulls)

Kettlebells varied in weight from 20lb to 60lb though the 60 just ended up staring and laughing at us as we avoided it like the plague.

J = Goblet squats with kettlebell of choice
Q = Shoulder press (single arm)
K = Swings
A = Thrusters


Sally – squat version


Dedication trumps motivation

Motivation makes things easier and ebbs/flows. Dedication is, by definition, consistent and actually gets shit done.