F3 Copley

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Tue., Mar. 19, 2024

Rock The Bells

Tue., Mar. 19, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



Kettlebell 10ea in sow cadence of
Standing halos
Standing incline presses
Deadlift squats
Goblet squats
Standing are raises
Offset push-up left
Offset push-up right
Crush grip push-up
Overhead extensions from the back
Crush grip crunches


100 count Mary


How are we walking men? The Apostle Paul’s example of discipling Timothy is something I still cannot grasp. Even after so many years past since I accepted Christ, I still see myself as Timothy (young and dumb). I have been off the mother’s milk for some time, led men, but have not found myself worthy of discipling anyone. The Great Commission states, “as you go, make disciples of all nations.” Yet here I am, walking alone, with a wealth of knowledge given to me by better men than me. Time to be the man I don’t believe I am.