F3 Copley

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Tue., Aug. 27, 2024

Kettebell Dora.

Tue., Aug. 27, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School

Crew Chief


Pick a partner. While one pax performs an exercise, the other pax is doing kettlebell swings. The pax doing the exercise always did 25 reps.     Swings and Squats
Swings and Curls
Swings and Bench Press
Swings and Alpos
Swings and Seated Leg Lifts over a KB


My wife and I were on a two week vacation together. This is the first time we’ve had two weeks together alone. After the first couple days we started bonding and did not argue or fight or disagree over anything. When we get away things are great. We try to keep that going after we get back home, but it takes effort. Try to find a way to bond with others, your spouse, kids, coworkers, and especially God.     We also discussed where is everyone? The numbers have been a little low lately. Reach out to someone and let’s get them back out in the gloom.