F3 Copley

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Tue., Dec. 5, 2023

Kettlebell Met Con

Tue., Dec. 5, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



neck rolls, proud chest and collapse, arm circles, lateral stretch, stir the coffee, hillbillies, tappy taps, bear squat


Kettlebell Met Con. 3 sets, 3 rounds per set. Set 1 Goblet Squats, Swings, Bottoms Up Goblet Thrusters, 12 reps round 1, 11 reps round 2, 10 reps round 3, Set 2 Single Arm Rows, Single Arm Cleans, 12 reps each arm round 1, 10 reps each arm round 2, 8 reps each arm round 3. Set 3 Around the World and Pass the Butter with KB, 10 reps each direction/side round 1, 9 each direction/side round 2, 8 each direction side round 3, 10 count breaks between rounds, 30 count break between sets. Finished with mosey around the back nine and some stretching.


Thought of the day comes from a quote. I heard at the remembrance service last night. “If you don’t have family, you have nothing.”  Family is of ultimate importance. When you pass, work will replace you, but in your family you are always Dad, Son, Husband, Uncle, Grandpa long after you are gone. Family doesn’t replace you. But the family that is more important than that is the family of Jesus Christ. Accepting Him as Your Savior adopts you into His family. You become a child of Christ, with an eternal inheritance to His kingdom and everlasting life with Him. There is no family more important than the family of Jesus Christ. As always, thanks for letting me lead this morning. Have a great day!