F3 Copley

Running with Kettle Bells

Wed., Jun. 19, 2024

Trail Training

Wed., Jun. 19, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



@flyguy and @ToolTime ran to the workout, @Comeback Kid had a 2 mile loop in by the time I showed.


2 miles of speed work on the trail with 1 mile finisher on Parkway.  Always nice to break up all the slow distance stuff with a nice tempo run.  Great work to all,it was a tough run.


Praises for the nice showing Monday for Mcgrubers last Q.  It was a good way to honor what he has meant to the group over these last 5 years and I know it meant a lot to him.  Sometimes all it takes is just showing up.