F3 Copley
The Beastmother
Thu., Jan. 11, 2024
Thu., Jan. 11, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
One person runs and completes two burpees while the other person completes the exercises listed below:
100 Merkins
200 overhead press
300 curls
200 squats
100-200 big boys
My thought of the day comes from Ted Lasso. His quote in coaching is “It is not about winning and losing but creating the best version of his players for life.” This speaks in a similar fashion to the F3 quote. “Leave no man behind, leave no man where you found them.” F3 is a support network for us to grow as individuals and as a group. Let’s keep that in mind through the day. Let’s make us a better version of ourselves and help to make a better version of the communities we live in.