F3 Copley

The Beastmother

Thu., Mar. 7, 2024


Thu., Mar. 7, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School

Comeback Kid


100 step back lunges.
200 Lateral raises
300 squats

As one man did the prescribed exercise, the other man ran with a coupon to the other end of the parking lot, did two man makers and then backpedaled, sans coupon, back to the other end of the parking lot. Then the man that was doing the coupon exercise backpedaled to the other end of the parking lot, did two man makers and then ran back up the parking lot with the coupon.


plank-o-ramas and big bois.


I woke up this morning with some negative thoughts about a person but as I was driving to the workout, I worked on reframing my thoughts of that person to include positive things about them. This instantly changed how I looked at this person. Let’s try this today with someone in our life that challenges us.