F3 Copley

The Beastmother

Thu., Oct. 17, 2024

Workout with coupons and some jogging

Thu., Oct. 17, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



Murder bunnies or farmer carry up the football field. Every 10 yards perform an exercise based on the yard line then run back to the goal line and back to your coupon. Exercises based on the yard line were 10 merkins, 20 OH press, 30 curls, 40 weighted squats, 50 side straddle hops, 40 weighted squats, 30 curls, 20 OH press, 10 merkins. At the opposite goal line 50 merkins, return to the original goal line for 50 more merkins. Finished with a run to the coupon, then farmer or rifle carry back.  Ended with 6MOM (big boys, side crunches, plank-o-rama)


A lot of us are vested in the outcome of our sports teams. However, we should not let that impact our personal and professional lives. Sometimes the negativity of a loss is carried with us. There was a lot of discussion on the Browns around this negativity. Focus on the positives in your life outside of your teams and don’t let their failures follow you in your personal life.