F3 Copley

The Motivator

Mon., Jan. 23, 2023

Hulk and His Brothers

Mon., Jan. 23, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



Iron Hulk: One set of 1 Merkin + 4 Airpresses, run 25 yards, burpee and return, add a set. Repeat until 10 Merkins + 40 Airpresses
Leg Hulk: One set of 1 Jumping Lunge + 4 Squats, run 25 yards, burpeee and return, add a set. Repeat until 10 Jumping Lunges + 40 Squats
Ab Hulk: One set of 1 Jackknife Crunch + 4 LBC, run 25 yards, burpeee and return, add a set. Repeat until 10 Jackknife Crunches + 40 LBCs


If you have the wrench on the nut, tighten it.