F3 Copley
The Motivator
Mon., Dec. 5, 2022
Mon., Dec. 5, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
3/4 lap to hide in the dark, SSH, Arm Circles, M Phelps, Imperial Walker, Turn & Bounce, Flamingo, Bear Squats
Buddy Line up
Sprint to 50 yard line, 8 burpees
Sprint to across field, 16 merkins
Sprint back to goal line, 24 squats
Sprint back to start to match up with buddy based on arrivalBeat your buddy at the hill
1st Round: Bearcrawl up hill, Crabwalk back while buddy performs squad pops then switch to beat buddy in repetitions15 Merkins to recover2nd Round: Broadjumps up hill, Duckwalk back while buddy performs Jacknife crunch15 Merkins3rd Round: Backwards sprint up hill, forwards back while buddy performs jumping lunges15 MerkinsFireDrill
Pax in circle doing quick feet until 1st Pax shouts fire: then drop for one Merkin roll over one Merkin roll back one Merkin and back up to quick feet
One round around the circle each Pax calling out fire once
Butterfly Crunch, Side hip raises, Pickle pointer, Snow Angel, big boys
Never forget to see the world through the eyes of a child in a candy store.
Inspired by Chris de Burgh: The bells of Christmas
If you know someone who is lonely this Christmas,
Reach out a hand and open the door,
Bring them inside in the spirit of Christmas
And show what lies in store;
If you know someone who’s forgotten that Christmas,
Will always shine in the eyes of a child,
Open their hearts to the memories of Christmas
And take them back in time;