F3 Copley
The Motivator
Mon., Dec. 9, 2024
This Seems Repetitive
Mon., Dec. 9, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
The PAX lined up on the goal line. The workout consisted of 20 reps of 2 exercises with different modes of transportation between the goal line and the 25 yard line:
Exercises included 20 Merkins on the goal line and 20 squats on the 25 year line.
Modes of transport were Bear Crawls, Walking Lunges, and Duck Walk.
Christmas is supposed to be a time of Celebration. A time to celebrate the birth of Christ who came as a Savior to the World. For me also a time to celebrate my oldest daughter who was born 20 years ago Christmas Morning.Things changed for me and Christmas with the passing of my best friend on Christmas Eve 2022 and to be honest, I don’t look forward to Christmas time. Trying to be different this year and get myself back to the true meaning of Christmas, I have been going through and Advent Devotional in the You Version Bible App. This has been very helpful to daily remind myself why Christmas is so important and even though Mike has passed away, it is OK to still celebrate.