F3 Copley

The Tomahawk

Sat., Oct. 5, 2024

Ultimate Re-Launch

Sat., Oct. 5, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Copley High School

Icy Hot


led by @Hardware – neck rolls, arm circles, sun salutations (merkins with some yoga stuff), tappy-taps, and…..the beeping test.


Four Corners: each corner had a station with a primary and secondary exercise that were super-sets.  The primary had sets of 25/15/10 with the second would be 20/10 and between each set of the primary exercise.

Corner 1: merkins and squats
Corner 2: squats and big boys
Corner 3: SSHs and merkins
Corner 4: dips and LBCs

The pax would mosey down the sideline between the corners and either lunge walk or bear crawl along the goal lines between those corners.  All done together in cadence.

Simultaneous to the beatdown, Ultimate began at 0730 and ended at 0830.


Message today is in the theme of renew/re-launch/transformation.  Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to the pattern of this world,
be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will”.As followers of Jesus, we are called to transform, not conform. To transform, we need to start with our minds and thoughts, and take them to Jesus.