F3 Copley
WOD Friday
Fri., Feb. 24, 2023
Modified Murph
Fri., Feb. 24, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
We began with neck circles, arm circles and tappy-taps then each pax grabbed a PVC pipe and moseyed across the field to complete the following:
Three rounds of:
– 10 Sampson stretches (5 each leg)
– 10 overhead squats
– 10 big boys
– 10 Supermans
– 10 merkins
– 10 pull-ups
Then three rounds of:
– 5 pull-ups
– 10 merkins
– 15 air squats
Then we finished with 4x400m runs with a three minute rest between each lap.
This workout is day one from the training plan I shared a little while back. It’s a 13 week plan and next week will be week 1 of the 13 weeks leading up to Memorial Day when we do the full Murph.
The plan has 3 workouts per week so we will be doing the 3rd workout on all the Friday’s between now and Memorial Day. That means anyone interested in completing the full Murph will have to knock out workouts 1 and 2 on their own during the week to keep up with the plan.
Here’s the full plan:
My challenge during this Lenten season is for everyone to take some time to identify the one thing that is the greatest obstacle in strengthening your relationship with God. Maybe it’s something you need to quite cold turkey or maybe it just needs to be limited. Whatever it is, I’d say Lent is the absolute best time of year to dig in and grow in relationship with God.