F3 Hudson
Monday Beatdown
Mon., Feb. 3, 2025
Iron Cross
Mon., Feb. 3, 2025 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Christ Community Chapel
- Mosey to shed to pick up Coupons
- Coupon carry to area of parking lot with lights
- Iron Cross – exercise at 4 sides of the parking lot with an exercise in the middle. Carry coupon to each side and back to middle, forming a cross.
- 12 Squats w/coupon
- 12 Dips on coupons
- 12 Incline Merkins
- 12 Bent over Rows w/ coupon
- Return to center for 2 Manmakers after each side
- Repeato until time was up
Roast the Pig: High Plank for 20 seconds, 20 BBSUs, Low Plank for 20 seconds, 20 LBCs, 10 Heels to Heaven
Great start to the week with a HEAVY Monday beatdown. Let’s carry this momentum forward to make it a productive week.Message for the day is about CHANGE. Change is all around us. Sometimes we choose to make changes and sometimes we are forced into change. Either way, change is a constant. As leaders, it’s important that we embrace change when it comes and lead through that change with confidence.Change is also hard. Whether it is deciding to take the first step into an F3 workout or dealing with a forced change, we all manage change differently and at different paces. Help and support those around you with change. Encourage those around you to make changes that will have positive impacts for them and their families.