F3 Medina


Wed., Oct. 20, 2021

The Official Unofficial (now Official) Workout 600/1500

Wed., Oct. 20, 2021 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



  • SSH
  • Arm Circles
  • Side Stretch
  • Tricep/Shoulder Stretch
  • Abe Vigota
  • Down Dog
  • Flamingo


  • Start with coupon on the goal line.
  • 25 Merkins – Mosey with coupon to the 50 (leave coupon there till the end of the Beatdown)
  • 25 Shoulder press – mosey to goal line
  • 25 Squats – mosey to 50
  • 25 Curls – mosey to goal line
  • 25 LBC – mosey to 50
  • 25 Rows – mosey to goal line

Complete 4 rounds for a total of 600 reps and 1500 yards.


6 minutes of planks


I can honestly say woke up with a little smile on my face when I heard the rain. Love the added challenge of the elements!