F3 Medina
Forrest’s Fun Run
Tue., Nov. 7, 2023
Tue., Nov. 7, 2023 / 05:15 am - 05:45 am / Medina Pavillion
Backblast: Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Forrests fun run (The Election Day Edition)
AO: MHS Senior Parking Lot
Time: 0515
5 Pax @Shugah @Forrest @Radio @Snugglebug @Donkey
This was a true smorgasbord of a an Election Day run edition. 3 options appeared on the ticket . @Radio ✅ the ruck box for 1.66 miles.
@Forrest @Donkey @Snugglebug ✅ the run box for 3.25 miles as we attempted to find a flat course in Medina, yet were challenged at the end with a bit of an incline. @Shugah ✅ the trump box (I’m gonna do whateve the F I want) and appeared to ruck along with double KB carry in the MHS lot.
Way to choose your own movements today…now get out and rock the vote!!