F3 Medina

Mayhem in Medina

Fri., Dec. 17, 2021

5-2 Q

Fri., Dec. 17, 2021 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



  • Motivator from 10-6
  • Pec Stretch combo’ed with look up, look down
  • Regional Neck Rolls
  • Buffalo humps
  • Hanging hamstring stretch
  • Down Dog/Calf stretch
  • Pigeon combo’ed with quad stretch
  • Tricep/shoulder stretches with Michael Phelps


One lap Indian Run to get the juices flowing, yes I actually did this

Series of superset exercises in motivator fashion (10, 9, 8, 7, etc.) followed by a suicide to the 30, 20, 10 yard lines

  • Round one: Merkins/weighted squats…suicide
  • Round two: Shoulder press/curls…suicide
  • Round three: Chest press/skull crushers
  • Round four: Forearm curls/weighted calf raises…suicide
  • Round five: Side tri rise left/side tri rise right

Motivator from 5-1 with some cadence that totally takes @Picabo off the hook as our worst counter. 😂


Motivator super set of LBCs and Russian Twists in a four count


Tonic thoughts yield tonic results. Toxic thoughts yield toxic results!