F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Tue., Jan. 2, 2024


Tue., Jan. 2, 2024 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Medina High School



Eight glorious PAX showed up for the first ruck of the new year! @Churchill @Rad @Shugah @Padre @Dykes @Wall-E @Radio and a surprisingly punctual @Squealer.
After showering @Padre with accolades (he received his 100 and 200 post patches this morning), we barely cleared the 3 mile mark, coming in at 3.01.  It was a moderate pace today, clocking in at 16:43 on the average.  @Churchill started off in front, and was really in the holiday spirit.  He was giving @Rad and @Radio all the 4-1-1 on how he’s sending his grandkids to Australia to see Taylor Swift as their Christmas present.  He’s really fond of giving experiences.   @Rad intimated how they kept it low key this year, and only got the boys new dirt bikes.  @Radio was both impressed and frightened at the @Dykes billboard he spotted the other day on Pearl Road.  If you guys have printing needs…  @Shugah did his normal Tuesday daily double, while @Wall-E snuck into the group like a Ninja!  @Squealer and @Churchill made up some serious ground in the last tenth of a mile going from worst to first over that period.  Great work guys!