F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Thu., Sep. 21, 2023
Medina Square
Thu., Sep. 21, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina High School
Five PAX managed 3.26 miles without our beloved @Dash
@Shugah @Padre @Rad @Churchill @Radio brought in the first day of fall with a vengeance! Before we even started, we discussed the changing weather, and the fact that @Radio has to wear a snuggy in his office, due to his menopausal M. From there, @Padre and @Shugah stayed to the rear and discussed molecular fusion, as it occurs in the base of the spine during particular strenuous workouts. From there, they volleyed back and forth on which book best defines how to get the most out of ones self.
@Rad @Churchill and @Radio took to the lead, and talked about the budding runners that are @Rad‘s kids. @Churchill’s older granddaughter is having surgery on her shoulder, Godspeed to her! What a couple month’s for @Churchill. We also got into some bourbon discussion, as well as the potential wackiness of MHS cancelling the “blackout” for this Friday’s football game. Thankfully, cooler heads have prevailed and the blackout is back on! Go Bees! Prayers for good, safe times for all of our high schoolers this weekend.