F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Thu., Oct. 19, 2023
Thu., Oct. 19, 2023 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Medina Lake
Seven PAX made the 3.26 mile trek this morning, with a near miss of having nine. @Shugah @Focker @Donkey @Garmin @Padre @Cadet @Radio and an honorable mention to @Skeeter for getting out of bed, and making it to the square, but missing the departure by one minute. @Garmin is on his one-day weight loss plan, as he has a colonoscopy in the AM. Good luck to @Garmin, who has a great story about the anxiety involved in taking your first crap after having surgery to remove a rubber pellet from you ass.
Congrats to @Focker, who apparently came out of the closet this morning to @Padre. Apparently, he confessed his love of sausage parties, and dug deep into the meaning behind his mom being referred to as “the commercial meat grinder” when he was a kid. Apparently, there were some auto break-ins in @Cadet’s neighborhood Tuesday morning. He lost $1.98 in loose change. After filing his insurance claim, he realized he has a $500 deductible, so he simply cut the insurance company a check for $498.02. He said it will “all even out”. @Shugah and @Donkey have volunteered to bring noodles to @Focker‘s next sausage party, because, well, what’s a sausage party without noodles? Best of luck to @Skeeter in his quest to beat the train on Tuesday, before it pulls out of the station!
Prayers for @Garmin for a smooth test tomorrow. Safe travels to @Dash as he travels to my homeland for a wedding this weekend. He’s wearing a tux! Prayers to our #f3-copley brothers, as they are displaced temporarily for bleacher rebuilding. I told @Hardware that @Barnum and I could come chain their coupons together for easy moving.