F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Thu., Dec. 28, 2023

Medina Square

Thu., Dec. 28, 2023 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Medina Square



Conditions were balmy for late December, but damp and misty.  @Forrest channeled his inner @Cadet and kept the music pumping with a mix of 90s grunge.  @CHiP was a bit on the quiet side this morning, as he was pondering his New Year’s Eve shift…”Sir, the bad news is, I’m ruining your New Year.  The good new is, I’m doing it before you kill someone.”  Yikes!  That’s a lot of pressure!
@Radio was just happy to be out there, as the 103 degree fever seems to have passed.  Our thoughts and prayers are with @Padre this morning, as he is tasked with officiating his aunt’s funeral services.    @Uniballer continues to be a Rucking enigma.  For review:  HC=HARD commit, SC=Soft commit. 
I’ll post a preblast shortly.  SYITG!