F3 Medina
The Capper
Sat., Apr. 9, 2022
Lucky 7’s – Hangover Edition
Sat., Apr. 9, 2022 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School
- Neck
- Arm Circles
- Triceps/Shoulders
- Tippy Taps
- Turn and Bounce
- Flamingos
- Bear Stretch/Calves
PAX circled around the slightly askew M and performed a series of 7 exercises. Exercise 1 was 7 reps, Bear Crawl 1/4 around the circle, 7 more reps, Bear Crawl 1/4 more. Completed 4 sets of each exercise and increased reps by 7 per round.
Exercise 1 – Prison Get Ups (28 Reps)
- Bear Crawl between sets
Exercise 2 – Tricep Dips (56 Reps)
- Lunge Walk
Exercise 3 – Merkins (84 Reps)
- Duck Walk
Exercise 4 – Bonnie Blairs (112 Reps)
- Crab Walk
Exercise 5 – LBC’s (140 Reps)
- Side Lunge
Exercise 6 – Flutter Kicks (168 Reps)
- 50 Yard Run
Exercise 7 – Side Straddle Hops (196 Reps)
- 50 Yard Run
Big Boys – 25 Reps
Never miss an opportunity to resolve any grievances or disagreements, or to simply tell someone you love them, before it’s too late.