F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., May. 6, 2023

Ultimate Frisbee Sidehustle

Sat., May. 6, 2023 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School



While the main group played Ultimate Frisbee, 4 PAX made the slowest train ever… farmer’s carrying our block up and down and pausing at the bottom of each flight of stadium stairs to do a total of 100 reps of an exercise. Round 1 = incline merkins. Round 2 = coupon pull overs. And the end caps of both times through the bleachers, we did an extended leg exercise. Round 1 = 2 minute wall sit. Round 2 = slow air squats (5 count down, 5 count hold, 5 count up).


  • Alternating 6 inch holds / leg lifts
  • Alternating LBCs / gas pumps
  • Oblique crunches


Done with larger group.