F3 Medina
The Capper
Sat., May. 20, 2023
If it's not rainin, it's not trainin'
Sat., May. 20, 2023 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School
Modified LaSalle warmup and some stretching
“If its not rainin, its not trainin” so the 6 PAX that include @Radio @Wall-E @Padre @Shugah @Churchill (Q) and FNG Sugar Daddy did their clockwise circuit around the park’s pond. PAX did stations of 3 count SSH, Plank Jacks, Thrusters, MTN Climbers for 5, then 10 and finally 15 reps. Movement from station to station was Bear Crawl (5/10/15 count) into a mosey. The reverse trip was 15-10-5 broad jump into a mosey and 15-10-5 at each station. A 25 rep total pull up at the monkey bars was conducted by most. Sugar Daddy inadvertently confessed at coffeteria that his sets totaled 20. ( I was told there would be no math). Finally a 4 MOM got @Padre to his G7 meeting in time and we stretched a bit for recovery.
More of the E+R=O. R2 skill= get your mind right. After pressing pause to gain clarity, get your mind right and think of what you are focusing on and the story you tell yourself. The skill to learn here is how to get into a productive mindset and how to get OUT of a negative one. I appreciate how the authors explain this E+R=O as a mindset and a skill set. We have to first be aware of all these things and ALSO gain the skill in putting them into practice. Example: when I catch myself speaking in negative terms, I try to flip that script and to gain a positive mindset for the situation. Difficult, but effective.