F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Oct. 3, 2020

The Gauntlet

Sat., Oct. 3, 2020 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / AI Root Middle School


@Hardware kicked us off with a warmup consisting of tappy taps, merkins, imperial walkers and sun salutations along with some light cardio.

He then led us through the Snake Pliskin which was a very ambitious 3 rep foot-to-shoulder group merkin. It went about as well as you could expect something like that to go. But kudos to @Hardware for sticking with his plan and resisting the calls to form a second line!


@Money was next with the 2. rounds of the Gauntlet.

20 reps IC of:

  • Squats
  • No jump Burpees
  • Squat Jumps
  • Burpees
  • Bearl Crawl across the field and a sprint back.
  • The Motivator down from 10
  • Sprint across the field and back


Circle of Doom all hold plank while each Pax does a pushup one at a time around circle until we get to 100 then reverse it from 100 down to 0.

Guantanamo around the perimeter of the field (easier said than done)