F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Jun. 27, 2022

Roll with it….

Mon., Jun. 27, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



We took our Shugah Die ( the one with a 9 on it) and Tossed our way through 10X the Roll of the progression below:

  • Merkin
  • Curl
  • Shoulder Press
  • Squat
  • Bent Row
  • Tricep (Dip or Press)

Followed each round with a trip to the bleachers to run the stairs. Rinse and Repeat


Big boys, LBC, Side Crunch, Plank, Side Plank


Shared with the group about taking a hike with Donna yesterday. A beautiful 7 mile trek through the Brecksville reservation… The message was about just being in the moment….For many years I would have turned that hike into a “workout” for myself. Pushing and prodding her to work harder….I have been able to relax on that finally and not turn what was a beautiful day with my awesome wife of almost 30 years into a time that she had no enjoyment…. BE PRESENT…… that’s all folks…..