F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Jul. 25, 2022

Stairway to Heaven

Mon., Jul. 25, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



PAX did four exercises:  15x Rack Rows, 20x Merkins, 25x Dips, 30x Imperial Walkers, followed by a snake of the Stadium steps, 30 second balls to the wall, 1 minute wall squat, and 100 yard sprint.  Rinse and Repeat.


I wanted to recognize the generosity of the group, and tip my hat to our community involvement.  @Lincoln has brought Big Brothers to the forefront.   @Squealer is a beacon for Kiwanis.  @French Lick got a few of us involved with his Strongsville Chamber activities.  @Lincoln again, stepped up for a locally transplanted Ukrainian family, and several of you have bought into or donated to the Miracle League fundraisers and golf outing.  I simply can’t say enough about how selfless this group is.  I would name names, but it has honestly been everyone in one way or another.  Keep up the great work HIMs.  Our community is stronger for it!