F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Dec. 21, 2020

12 Sets of Fitmas!

Mon., Dec. 21, 2020 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



On the first set of Fitmas, our Q dude gave to F3,

  • One sprint to the 50 (100 yards per super set / 1k yards total)

Followed by:

  • 2 sets of overhead presses (10 per super set / 90 total)
  • 3 sets of summo squats (15 per super set / 120 total)
  • 4 sets of merkins (20 per super set / 140 total)
  • 5 FREAKIN’ BURPEES (5 per super set / 30 total)
  • 6 sets of crossover jumps (30 per super set / 150 total)
  • 7 sets of curls (35 per super set / 140 total)
  • 8 sets of dips (40 per super set / 120 total)
  • 9 sets of mountain climbers (45 per super set / 90 total) — there was also BOGO deal on this one as we did it twice


On the 10th set of Fitmas, our Q dude gave to F3,

  • 10 big boys (10 per super set / 50 total)
  • 11 six inch holds (11 second super set / 44 total)
  • 12 heels to heavens (12 per super set / 36 total)

2020 grand finale super set, 12/11/10 repeato x 2 without break


Be the glue that binds your immediate and extended families. Leadership is contagious–as are family traditions. Show the next generation the importance of a strong extended family and be the one who takes the reins for your family’s matriarch/patriarch.