F3 Stow

The Motivator

Tue., Oct. 3, 2023

Bear and Bunny SHOPS

Tue., Oct. 3, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School



After a short warmup, the Pax moseyed to pickup a coupon then head to the goal line. The PAX performed 5 different exercises starting with 1 rep and adding a rep to each exercise every round. In between rounds the PAX alternated murder bunnies and bear crawls to 10 yard line and back. The exercises were:
Hand-release Merkins
Overhead Presses
Plank Jacks


when running this morning lyrics from the song “Sundays Coming” by Phil Wickham really hit me.  The chorus goes:
Friday’s good ’cause Sunday is coming
Don’t lose hope ’cause Sunday is coming
Devil, you’re done, you better start running
Friday’s good ’cause Sunday is coming.

Obviously this is about the death and resurrection of Christ, but it also is about the pain and struggles we gonna through daily.