F3 Stow
The Motivator
Tue., Nov. 5, 2024
Election Day Beatdown
Tue., Nov. 5, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School
Special thanks to Waddle for supplying us with bricks! Pax took on Jack Webb starting at 1 and going through 10. Intermittenly did some 200 yard runs, spiders, flys and attempted to hold the bricks in our arms for as long as possible. Fun was had at least by one of us.
Prayers for Software’s son Josh. Prayers for the country on election day. Prayers for Adeline in the NICU. Thought today was of Noah. The guy dedicated hundreds of years of his life to building the ark waiting for the rain to come. I’m sure he received tons of ridicule for it, but at the end of the day he was confident in what God spoke to him. The challenge for me is I fear looking foolish. What if I publicly believe for something and it doesn’t happen? If I had been in Noah’s shoes I feel like I might’ve started building the ark for awhile, but then would’ve thought that I was being ridiculous and must’ve heard God wrong. I want to become more willing to go out on a limb with a confidence that I’m aligning with God’s intentions. Thanks for letting me lead today