F3 Medina

Bonus (Medina)

Sat., Jan. 13, 2024


Sat., Jan. 13, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Warm-up PAX took some time to set the stage for the obstacle course for the 0700 workout. 2 laps easy mosey to warm up and wonder why we were punishing ourselves earlier than we needed to.


100m intervals Cardio HIIT!

Run 100m hard/easy jog back to start, 30 sec burpees
Repeato Run and Recover, 30 sec crunches
Run/Recover, 30 sec lunges
Run/Recover, 30 sec dips
Run/Recover, 30 sec crunches
Run/Recover, 30 sec squats
Run/Recover, 30 sec merkins
Run/Recover, 30 sec crunches
Run/Recover, 30 sec lunges
Run/Recover, 30 sec bent rows
Run/Recover, 30 sec crunches
Run/Recover, 30 sec squats