F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Jan. 1, 2024

Get Up!

Mon., Jan. 1, 2024 / 07:00 am - 07:45 am / Medina High School

French Lick


Three Pax posted on a wet and occasional ice / snow mixed 34 degree morning @Shugah @Radio and YHQ @French Lick

We did some warm ups at mid field and eliminated @Shugah’s New Year fish recipe from our cook books.
Went to collect coupons and bricks prior to executing a tweaked motivator. For now we’ll call it “motosquatkins” and started at ten reps declining.
Pax then lined up on goal line and performed Turkish get ups beginning with 5 reps per side and a 50 yard mosey before switching sides.
Declining reps and yards moseyed until the Q finished.


6 MOM was six minutes of meditation- focusing on the breath. And always bringing back the wandering mind (get back up) to the breath.


Get up and get back up. Remember we not only get back up for our parents, faith, colleagues, kids, spouses, and each other but we get up for ourselves. We deserve that and we should accept it.