F3 Copley
Running with Kettle Bells
Wed., Sep. 4, 2024
Hill work
Wed., Sep. 4, 2024 / 05:15 am - 05:50 am / Sandrun Parkway Trailhead
26 Minutes of Hill Repeats on Portage Path Road. Sprint up the hill for 30 seconds, walk back down. Rinse and Repeat…
My wife and I were having a discussion yesterday regarding how we always have to do things that we don’t want to do and how much we don’t like it. Unfortunately, life throws way too many of these types of things at us all the time and we need to learn how to push through better. During the discussion I said all the wonderful husbandly things like “You just need to get out of your own head”, which did not go over well (obviously).
While in bed I remembered the saying “Embrace the Suck” which really resonated with me. I use that saying all the time with pushing through tough races and stupid workouts but for some reason I don’t apply it to other areas of my life. The saying really works in area of your life where you need to change your attitude about situations.