F3 Copley

The Motivator

Mon., Apr. 3, 2023

Hill- yeah!

Mon., Apr. 3, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



mini motivator (it is Monday!), Imperial Walkers, Tappytaps , Big Steppers, Wall Squat


Mosey to the hill, where we had to break in to gain access, and…
We ran the hill… again and again.
30 minutes of climbing = up to 2 miles of work for some.


30 x Big Bois in honor of those doing the sit-up challenge


Today I brought my banner that hangs in my gym: NOBODY CARES/WORK HARDER.  I had a boss a long time ago that would ask me if I had done a certain thing and I would rattle off things that prevented me from accomplishing the task.  He would always say “ there are no reasons only excuses, just get it done “.  Sometimes you have to just buckle down and get it done.  In the words of Gunny Highway from Heartbreak Ridge “Motivate, Adapt, and Overcome”. Thanks for the opportunity to lead, have a great day men!