F3 Brunswick

Basin Beatdown

Tue., Feb. 7, 2023

I’ll Think of Something

Tue., Feb. 7, 2023 / 05:45 am - 06:30 am / Lake Brunswick

Scratch n Sniff


Light stretching and calisthenics


15x Coupon OH press
10x Coupon squat
15x Coupon curl
10x Coupon deadlift
Run 1 parking lot lap
(repeat for 20 minutes and mumblechatter the whole workout)


30 imperial walkers
20 turn and bounce
OYO walk like an Egyptian, torso slides
10 Tae Bo knee-attacks per leg


At the behest of Squid, I tried out and loved the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) class I attended.  That single BJJ class taught me that there are times when you have to push through.  That class also taught me that there are times when you have to tap out or risk being choked unconscious or breaking/dislocating a part of your body.  The timing of my BJJ lesson could not have been more perfect, since I decided to act on the decision to ‘tap out’ from my current job.

I’m not saying you need to make as drastic of a change as that, but I am going to ask you to think about the challenges you face in your daily life.  What items are worth enduring and what items are not worth your time and energy stressing about?  As it says in Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Nice work today gentlemen! I’m proud to surround myself with such fine people!