F3 Stow

The Motivator

Tue., May. 7, 2024

It’s gonna be May! 7!

Tue., May. 7, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School



7 for the 7th of May.  Warm up with bat wings and stretches.  Form running to get coupon then did an imaginary big 7 on the football field.  Exercises at each point: Coupon Curls at the top, jog across to Big Boys, 100 yard run to Merkins at the bottom.  Jog back. Ok so it’s more of a right triangle for you sticklers.  Did sets of 7, 14, 21, 28.  Completed those four and added 7 curls, 14 squats, and 21 presses with the coupon.  Then ended with Big boy Wave (14) and Merkin Plank-Wave (14).  Some finished with 2 laps on track to complete the mile of running.


Most have heard the joke that’s something like “to make God laugh, tell him you have a better plan.”  It’s a struggle for almost everyone to accept the fact that our expectations and plans aren’t always what we’ll get or what’s best for us.  Sometimes we’re wrong, believe it or not! And really, those things usually should not be something we EXPECT in the first place (probably belong more in the “Hopes” category.)  So that’s the common struggle–expectations about what we want to do.  But also have been thinking lately about how we also have plans and expectations about not just what we do but also WHO WE ARE.  This can come from negative life experiences, and a lot of confusing messages in ads and societal pressures that tell us we should be perfect (or buy the product to get us closer to perfect) etc.  But the truth is, God has a plan.  And God had a plan when He made each one of us– gave us our skills, and gave us our flaws.  In what ways do we push back against those plans?  What about when we think we aren’t good enough to do certain things?  How common is it to think  “Oh, I would do X, if only I was a good at it…”  “That guy is so good at knowing what to say… I wish…”  “I can’t go exercise, that’s not my thing.”  And on and on.  All of that, when it comes down to it, is doubt about God’s plan for us, isn’t it?  Placing limitations on that plan, right?  And to some degree, all of that is a cop-out.   So, I challenge you to believe what we hear, and maybe even think and sometimes say– everything is possible with God.   Resist the temptation to question God’s plans for you– as you are, talented and flawed.   Instead, open your mind to the truth of your possibilities and potential, which will allow you to have the courage to (as the confusing ads say) JUST DO IT.