F3 Copley

Sunday Fun Run

Sun., Apr. 28, 2024

Let’s hit it

Sun., Apr. 28, 2024 / 06:00 am - 07:30 am / Sand Run Park



Run, Ruck, or Hike Dogwood Trail for 90 minutes. Followed by Coffeeteria at panera where @Flo joined us


@Flo@JarJar and I had the privilege of spending part of yesterday at the Grafton Correctional Institute. While there I had some great conversations with inmates. I had one conversation with a man Daniel who has spent a lot of time in prison (I think 26 years). After serving 24 years, he was released from prison and went back home to Toledo. After 3 years of being out of prison he broke his probation after he fell on tough times following his brother’s death from an overdose. He as been back in prison for 2 years now and set for a parole hearing in 2 months to hopefully be released from prison (where he has still 14 years left on his max sentence). We talked about what he would do differently this time to keep from breaking his parole and returning back to prison. He talked about 2 things that will be different this time.
#1) He has fully surrendered  his life to Christ.
#2) He said that in prison, when he started to have bad thoughts, anxiety, issues etc that he had bonds with other inmates that he could reach out to and talk to. But when he was back in the World he did not have any connections like that,  so after his brother’s death, he did not have people to talk with or hold him accountable so he turned the coping mechanisms he was used to. It made me think of F3 and how blessed I am to have brother’s like you guys.
If anyone is struggling with anything, please reach out to me our one of the other PAX. You are not alone.